Proudly connecting with customers and rural communities to deliver value through innovation and expertise.
Our Businesses
Underpinned by our grains and oilseed storage, handling and processing assets in eastern Australia, we offer a global end-to-end supply chain, from origination to the end user.
Servicing more than 350 customers in more than 50 countries, we originate grain from Australia, Canada, the UK and Ukraine, and connect directly with customers through overseas offices in Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai and Delhi. With seven ports on east-coast Australia and a joint-venture port in the final stages of construction in Vancouver, Canada, we offer high-speed long-distance rail export capability.
Our processing businesses service foods customers with edible oils that are specially blended for infant formula, bakery and large-scale food manufacture.
Our bulk commodity business is Australia and New Zealand’s largest exporter tallow and Used Cooking Oil (UCO), some of which is processed for upcycling into biofuel.
Meanwhile, our feeds businesses use edible oils and molasses-based products to boost farm productivity.
Saxon Ag
Feeds AU
Feeds NZ
Bulk Handling
Fats & Oils
Investor Information
Across the GrainCorp Group, our unique mix of agribusiness and processing operations provides a strong platform for growth. Our shareholder updates provide key information on our financial and operational performance.
GrainCorp AGM 2025
13 February 2025
Latest News
Worldwide operations
GrainCorp operates out of eight countries around the world.
We sell and deliver around eight million tonnes of grain annually to more than 50 countries through our trading desks and offices in Australia, Canada, China, India, New Zealand, Singapore, the UK and the Ukraine.

GrainCorp by numbers:
- More than 150 receival sites throughout eastern Australia
- 7 bulk import/export terminals in eastern Australia with 20+ million tonnes of storage capacity
- 10,000+ growers connected to 1,000 end-market customers in food, beverage, oils and feeds industries
- 4 liquid feeds distribution centres
- 6 Used Cooking Oil collection, recycling and distribution centres
- 7 bulk liquid storage terminals
- 4 grain elevators and a port terminal (under construction) in Canada.
Safety, Health & Environment
Safety Metrics
Our FY20 safety metrics reveal that our focus on safety continues to have positive outcomes. Our Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (RIFR) in FY20 was 6.5, down 16 per cent from the year before.
Safety Reports and Monitoring Data
We provide a range of safety and performance reports as well as monitoring data, such as those for NSW Ports for review.
Sustainability Report
Our annual Sustainability Report highlights our performance in safety and health, environment, people, community and governance.
Our History
GrainCorp traces its origins to 1916, with the construction of 200 grain storage terminals and silos around the state of New South Wales, Australia, linked by rail to shipping ports in Sydney and Newcastle.
In 1992, a group of local growers came together to purchase the company and its assets from the NSW Government – and the GrainCorp we know today began to take shape.
Our Experience
World-class expertise across a mix of agribusiness, food processing, feeds, fats and oils businesses helps put innovation at the centre of everything we do. Our teams have extensive export and shipping expertise. Every year we charter more than 75 deep-sea vessels and move three million tonnes of grain and oilseeds around the world.
Get in touch with our team to find out how we can help grow your business.
The GrainCorp way
While our GrainCorp team is diverse, we each believe in our values:

We care

We deliver

We stay safe