Grain receivals (tonnes) at GrainCorp’s sites as at 1 November 2021
Since last report | Total | |
Queensland | 311,000 | 1,047,700 |
New South Wales | 342,000 | 462,700 |
Victoria | – | – |
Total grain receivals | 653,000 | 1,510,400 |
- Some rainfall across harvest areas resulted in a slowing of receivals late last week, but harvest activity built up again towards the later part of the weekend.
- Southern Queensland receivals progressing well with strong yields, quality and protein across wheat, barley and canola grades. Early chickpea crop expected to come off in the next couple of weeks.
- In northern NSW, Moree, Burren Junction and Dubbo West areas had been receiving around the clock until the rainfall eased harvest.
- Across all areas of GrainCorp, we continue with a large rail-to-port outload program, to service our export commitments, which, in turn, creates capacity for harvest receivals.
- First receivals of barley seen this week in the Port Kembla region, with broader southern NSW receivals expected in the coming fortnight.
- Strict COVID-19 protocols in place on sites: face masks are mandatory, vaccination is strongly encouraged (government-mandated in VIC) and growers urged to keep in contact with site managers.
- Up-to-date pricing information through CropConnect with 12,000 growers and buyers registered across Australia.